Monday, December 31, 2012

Goals for in progress

1. Walk at least 30 minutes (on treadmill) per night.
2. 1000 item declutter (trash/donate)
3. Pay at least 1 credit card off and a total of $8500 total
4. Use cash (for big items will still purchase with cc but payoff)

For now, those are the big ones.  The thing is that our financial goals are always in limbo for a month.  The dust doesn't settle for us until the beginning of February (and maybe later than that will any IRS changes).  Our health insurance premium and our mortgage payment is increasing on January 1.  Mr. Green's review isn't until mid-January so we won't know if there is a pay increase on the horizon until then.  We'd really like to increase our grocery budget a little bit.  So #3 and #4 are on hold until our budget stabilizes.

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